Autumn Equinox 2024
Equinox - where day and night reach a delicate balance
An autumnal equinox walk, where the experience is materialised through monoprints using ripe berries found and collected along my path, accompanied by text and poetry.
1 Walk * 14.43 EST * 883 m * 1832 Steps * 7 Hues * Hjärup, Sweden

Autumn Equinox
I embarked on a journey to honor autumn's quiet arrival,
Walking in a straight line, chasing the sun's fading light,
At 14:43 EST, I stood facing its golden gaze.
Embedded in the rich hues of the season,
I gathered these colours like treasures along my path,
Foraging nature's palette to carry back with me.
In the studio, these vibrant shades became my ink,
Mirrored prints, equal like the equinox itself—
The same, yet never quite the same.
- © By Therese Livonne.
The two mirrored monoprints were further developed as a digital collage.

Thrilled to have my poem and digital collage included in Autumn Equinox 24- an assemblage video curated by Kel Portman and showcasing artworks created on the event of the autumn equinox.
The video is a wonderful collection of interpretations through words, visuals, and movement, all exploring the seasonal shift. Among the inspiring contributors are Roz Chalk, Sabine Crittall, Babak Fakhamzadeh, Tamsin Grainger, Janette Kerr, David Tidsall, Harriette Meynell, Charles Matthews, Pam Patterson, Kel Portman, Liberty Rowley, and Jacqui Stearn, each bringing a unique perspective to this autumnal celebration!
If you're curious, you can check out my contribution at 9:48! But please, take a moment, sit down, paus, press play and enjoy the following 20 minutes. I would love to hear any thoughts or reflections!