Ephemeral Horizons
These paintings are abstract compositions that emerge through a process of careful pouring, soaking, and staining. The meditative process balances experience and control with curiosity and chance in allowing the pigments to gradually sink into the surface. In this slow unfolding, suggestive, beguiling, and transcendent compositions take shape.

'The Ephemerality of Time' (Acrylic on chiffon) 27 x 50 cm.

'The Ephemerality of Time' (detail).

'In Every Soul there's a Shore' (detail).

'Contours of Time' (Acrylic on chiffon) 29 x 40 cm.

'The Ephemerality of Time' (detail).
Time whispers through hues
Shapes emerge from quiet pools
Stillness finds its form
- Therese Livonne

'In Every Soul there's a Shore' (acrylic on chiffon) 24 x 53 cm.

'Contours of Time' (detail).