Print Day in May 2022!

It is Print Day in May Today! Print Day in May is an annual, global celebration of printmaking taking place on the first Saturday in May and is open to all. On that day, tens of thousands of printmakers around the world make prints and share their experiences with others.
Today, on Print Day in May, I have been working on a small 10 x 10 cm drypoint. Drypoint is traditionally done on copper plates but one can also work on acrylic plates which is an affordable, and often more easily accessible alternative plate material. I have worked on both perplex and copper and I must say I do prefer the copper plates. It is definitely more expensive to use and is indeed a challenge to work on. But I do love working on that beautiful surface though. It has a certain feeling to it, that you just don't get when working on acrylic.
I got to print plenty of prints today on my beautiful Domeij press but I also got new ideas during the process. That is something I really love, how the "making" aids new ideas and thoughts along the way. Some of the prints will be in an edition, some will be worked on individually and become unique pieces of art and some will be part of new prints. I love this process and I can't wait to see what other printmakers around the world has been up to on this Print Day in May!